Why Does Bottled Water Make My Mouth Dry?

Do you ever feel like your mouth has turned into a desert after drinking bottled water? You know, that feeling where no amount of saliva can quench your thirst and you’re left with a parched tongue? It’s like the water is mocking you, promising hydration but delivering dryness.

Well, fear not my thirsty friend, because we’re here to explore why bottled water can make your mouth dry and what you can do about it.

First off, let’s talk about how bizarre it is that water could make your mouth dry in the first place. Water is supposed to hydrate us, right? Yet somehow, some bottled waters seem to leave our mouths as arid as the Sahara.

Don’t worry though, there are plenty of reasons for this phenomenon and we’ll be diving into them shortly. So sit tight and prepare to learn all about why bottled water leaves you feeling like a dried-up cactus.

Key Takeaways

  • Bottled water lacks minerals and electrolytes found in tap water that can cause dryness in the mouth.
  • Plastic bottles used for bottling water can affect the taste and quality of water, leading to a less refreshing experience.
  • The pH level and mineral content of different brands of bottled water can affect saliva production and contribute to dry throat sensation and tooth decay.
  • Drinking enough water throughout the day and not relying solely on bottled water for hydration, switching to a different brand of bottled water with added minerals, chewing sugar-free gum after drinking, and rinsing your mouth with tap water or chewing sugar-free gum after drinking can help prevent dry mouth.

Table of Contents

Bottled Water Makes My Mouth Dry

When you drink bottled water, it can often leave your mouth feeling dry. This is due to the lack of minerals and natural electrolytes that are typically found in tap water. Bottled water is often sourced from underground aquifers or mountain valleys where the water lacks these essential minerals. Additionally, plastic bottles used for bottling water can affect the taste and quality of the water, leading to a less refreshing experience.

The pH level of bottled water can also contribute to a dry throat sensation. Most bottled waters have a neutral pH level, meaning they do not contain any alkaline minerals that help balance out acidity in your mouth. This causes your saliva production to decrease, leading to a dry mouth and even bad breath.

Furthermore, drinking too much bottled water without proper dental care can lead to tooth decay since it lacks fluoride which is typically found in tap water.

Can Bottled Water Cause Dry Mouth?

Sipping on bottled water can leave you feeling parched and reaching for more. It may seem counterintuitive, but it’s actually quite common for bottled water to cause dry mouth. Here are four reasons why:

  1. Bottled water often has a lower pH level than tap water, which can contribute to the sensation of dryness in your mouth.
  2. Plastic bottles used for storing and transporting bottled water can leach chemicals into the water over time, leading to a less pleasant taste that may make you want to drink more.
  3. Many brands of bottled water contain minerals that can leave behind a residue in your mouth, making it feel dry and uncomfortable.
  4. Buying bottled water at the grocery store means you’re likely not getting the same quality as tap water from your home or workplace.

Overall, while bottled water is convenient and widely available, it may not be the best option if you’re trying to avoid dry mouth and stay hydrated throughout the day. Consider drinking filtered tap water instead or investing in a reusable metal or glass bottle for carrying your own purified H20 on-the-go!

Factors Contributing To Dry Mouth After Drinking Bottled Water

If you’re in the habit of hydrating with bottled water, you may not realize that factors such as the pH level and mineral content could be leaving your mouth feeling parched. For example, some brands of bottled water have a higher pH level than tap water, which can cause an imbalance in your saliva production and lead to a dry throat sensation. Additionally, certain types of plastic water bottles contain chemicals that can interfere with your body’s ability to produce saliva.

To further understand why bottled water causes dry mouth, take a look at this table:

BrandpH LevelMineral ContentChemicals
Mountain Valley7.8-8.2High in calcium and magnesiumN/A
Fiji7.5-8.5High in silicaBisphenol A (BPA)
Evian7.2High in sodiumPolyethylene terephthalate (PET)
Dasani~4Added potassium chloride for tasteBromate

As you can see from this table, different brands of bottled water have varying levels of pH and mineral content that can affect how much saliva is produced after drinking them. In addition, some plastic bottles may contain chemicals like BPA or PET that disrupt the natural balance of fluids in your mouth and exacerbate dryness. By being mindful of these factors when choosing your hydration method, you can help prevent dry mouth and keep yourself properly hydrated throughout the day.

How to Prevent Dry Mouth When Drinking Bottled Water

To avoid experiencing dehydration and discomfort, it’s important to be aware of the factors that can contribute to dryness when hydrating with bottled water.

Firstly, make sure you’re drinking enough water throughout the day and not relying solely on bottled water for hydration.

Secondly, try switching to a different brand of bottled water, such as Aquafina or Dasani Bottled Water, which have added minerals to help keep your mouth hydrated.

Lastly, consider chewing sugar-free gum after drinking to stimulate saliva production and prevent dryness in your mouth.

It’s also important to note that drinking bottled water can have an impact on your teeth. After drinking, rinse your mouth with tap water or chew sugar-free gum to neutralize any acidity in the bottled water and protect your teeth from erosion.

By being mindful of these tips, you can enjoy the convenience of bottled water without suffering from dryness or damaging your teeth.


So there you have it, friend. Bottled water may be causing your mouth to feel parched.

While the exact reason for this is not entirely clear, it could be due to a lack of minerals in the water or the way that it’s processed and filtered.

But don’t worry, there are ways to prevent dry mouth when drinking bottled water. You can try adding a pinch of salt to your water or opting for brands that contain higher levels of minerals.

Another option is to drink more slowly and take frequent sips throughout the day.

Remember, staying hydrated is important for overall health and well-being. So don’t let dry mouth stop you from enjoying all the benefits that bottled water has to offer. Simply make a few adjustments and keep on sipping!

Audrey McGill

About The Author

Meet Audrey, the water-enthusiast behind WeLikeWater.com. Her love for all things H2O inspired her to create this laid-back space where folks can dive into the world of water. From the fizzy to the calm, Audrey's been on a journey through every ripple and wave, and she's eager to share her discoveries.

 audrey@welikewater.com  https://www.welikewater.com/

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