Is Bottled Water Distilled?

You’ve probably heard the saying ‘water, water everywhere, but not a drop to drink.’While this may hold true for seawater or stagnant puddles, bottled water seems like a safe bet.

After all, it’s marketed as pure and refreshing, and you can find it in stores all around you.

But is bottled water distilled water? And if not, what’s the difference?

When it comes to bottled water versus distilled water, there are significant differences.

Bottled water can come from various sources such as springs or groundwater and undergoes minimal treatment before being packaged for sale.

In contrast, distilled water goes through an extensive process of purification that removes impurities and minerals from the original source of the water.

So while some bottled waters may be similar to tap water in terms of mineral content and safety standards, distilled water is much purer.

Key Takeaways

  • Bottled water is not necessarily distilled and can come from various sources with minimal treatment before packaging.
  • Distilled water undergoes an extensive purification process to remove impurities and minerals, making it one of the purest forms of water available.
  • Niagara Bottling’s vapor distilled water is one of the purest forms of bottled water available and goes through a three-step purification process that removes all impurities.
  • Buying distilled water can be found in grocery stores, ordered online, and offered as an in-room water delivery service in some hotels and hostels.

Table of Contents

Is Bottled Water Distilled Water?

You might be wondering if that bottled water you’re drinking is actually distilled water. Well, the answer depends on the brand and type of bottled water you’re consuming.

Some brands, like Niagara Bottling and Target, offer vapor distilled water, which means they use a distillation process to purify the water. Distilled water is produced by boiling water and then collecting the steam, leaving behind any impurities or minerals that were in the original source.

Niagara Bottling’s vapor distilled water goes through a three-step purification process that removes all impurities, including bacteria, viruses, and chemicals. This makes it one of the purest forms of bottled water available in the market.

So next time you pick up a bottle of Niagara Bottling’s vapor distilled water, or any other brand, check for labeling indicating ‘distilled’ to ensure you’re consuming purified drinking water.

Distilled Water Vs Bottled Water (What’s The Difference?)

If you’re looking for the purest form of hydration, nothing beats water that’s gone through the process of distillation.

Distilled water is created by boiling water and collecting the steam in a separate container, leaving behind any impurities or minerals. This results in water that is completely purified and free from any contaminants.

On the other hand, bottled water can come from a variety of sources and may or may not be purified. Some bottled waters are simply tap water that has gone through filtration processes to remove some impurities but still contain minerals.

Others may be sourced from natural springs but still undergo purification processes to remove any potential contaminants. So while bottled water can be safe to drink, it’s important to note the difference between it and distilled water for those who are looking for the purest form of hydration possible.

Can I Use Bottled Water Instead Of Distilled Water?

Using a liquid that’s gone through the process of removing impurities and minerals, like what’s found in distilled water, can ensure the best results for certain applications.

Bottled water, on the other hand, may or may not be distilled depending on its source and production process. While some bottled waters are indeed distilled, many others are simply purified using various methods such as reverse osmosis or carbon filtration.

It’s important to note that there’s a difference between bottled water and water delivery services that offer gallons of distilled water. Water delivery companies specialize in providing pure drinking water directly to your home or office, while bottled water can be purchased from any grocery store or vending machine.

If you’re unsure about which type of water to use for your specific needs, always read labels carefully and do research on the different types of bottled waters available.

Can You Drink Distilled Bottled Water?

Sipping on a crystal-clear liquid that has been stripped of impurities and minerals, leaving nothing but a pure taste like the first sip of mountain spring water on a hot summer’s day. That’s what you can expect when drinking distilled bottled water.

Unlike regular bottled water, distilled bottled water goes through a process of distillation to remove all the contaminants and minerals from it. Drinking distilled bottled water is safe for consumption as long as it meets the standards set by the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA).

This type of water is commonly used in households for various purposes such as cooking, cleaning, and even watering plants. You can easily find this type of water at your local grocery store or have it delivered to your home in gallon jugs from companies such as Water Delivery or Bottling LLC.

So go ahead and enjoy the refreshing taste of distilled bottled water without any worry!

Where Can I Buy Small Bottles Of Distilled Water For Travel?

When you’re on the go and need to stay hydrated, there’s nothing better than being able to easily find and purchase small bottles of pure, refreshing distilled water. Luckily, buying small bottles of distilled water for travel isn’t difficult at all. Here are three options for purchasing your own supply of distilled water:

  1. Look for a local grocery store or convenience store that carries small bottles of distilled water. Many stores have a dedicated section for bottled water where you can find distilled water in different sizes.
  2. Order online through a retailer like Amazon or Walmart who offer delivery services directly to your door. This way, you can stock up on small bottles of distilled water without even leaving your home.
  3. Check with your hotel or hostel if they offer any type of in-room water delivery service which might include purified or distilled water that comes in convenient small-sized bottles perfect for travel.

With these options available, there’s no reason why you shouldn’t ever have to worry about staying hydrated while traveling again!


So, is bottled water distilled? The short answer is no. While some bottled waters may go through a distillation process, not all of them do. However, just because a bottle of water isn’t labeled as ‘distilled’ doesn’t mean it’s not safe to drink.

In fact, many brands of bottled water go through rigorous testing and purification processes to ensure their safety. But what really sets distilled water apart from other types of bottled water? Distilled water has had all minerals and impurities removed through a process of boiling and condensing. This makes it ideal for certain applications such as medical procedures or laboratory experiments where any impurity could cause issues.

So while you may not need distilled water for everyday use, it can be useful in specific situations where purity is essential. Whether you’re looking for the purest form of H2O or simply trying to stay hydrated on the go, there are plenty of options out there when it comes to bottled water.

Just remember that not all bottled waters are created equal – so make sure to read labels carefully and choose a brand that meets your needs and preferences. Whether you prefer tap or spring water over distilled, staying hydrated is key to maintaining good health – so bottoms up!

Audrey McGill

About The Author

Meet Audrey, the water-enthusiast behind Her love for all things H2O inspired her to create this laid-back space where folks can dive into the world of water. From the fizzy to the calm, Audrey's been on a journey through every ripple and wave, and she's eager to share her discoveries.

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