Can You Use Bottled Water In Humidifier?

Did you know that according to a study by the EPA, the average American household spends around $1000 per year on bottled water? That’s a significant amount of money spent on something that could potentially be used in other ways.

But can you use bottled water in your humidifier? The answer is yes, but it depends on the type of humidifier and the quality of the water.

Before we dive into whether or not using bottled water in your humidifier is safe, let’s discuss why you might want to do so. Many people prefer using bottled water because they believe it is cleaner and safer than tap water. This may be true in some cases, as tap water can contain minerals and impurities that can build up in your humidifier over time.

Additionally, if you live in an area with hard water (water with a high mineral content), using bottled water can help prevent mineral buildup and extend the life of your humidifier. However, there are some potential drawbacks to using bottled water that you should be aware of before making the switch.

Key Takeaways

  • Americans spend a significant amount of money on bottled water each year.
  • While people may perceive bottled water as cleaner and safer, tap water and most bottled water can contain minerals and impurities that can build up in humidifiers and worsen allergies and asthma.
  • Using distilled or filtered water is recommended for portable humidifiers to ensure clean, healthy air and optimal performance.
  • Properly caring for humidifiers and following manufacturer’s instructions can help ensure longer life and better performance, while using bottled water in humidifiers can cause damage and introduce contaminants.

Table of Contents

Can I Use Bottled Water In My Humidifier?

No, you can’t use bottled water in your cool mist humidifier! Although it may seem like a convenient option, using bottled water could actually harm your machine and potentially harm you as well.

This is because most bottled water contains minerals and other substances that can build up inside the humidifier, causing damage to the internal components over time.

Instead, it’s important to use distilled or filtered water in your portable humidifier. If you don’t have access to either of these options, you can always purchase a jug of distilled water from your local grocery store or pharmacy.

It may seem like an extra step, but taking the time to properly care for your humidifier will ensure that it lasts longer and works more effectively in the long run.

So stay away from that plastic bottle and opt for distilled or filtered water instead!

What About A CPAP Humidifier?

When using a CPAP machine, it’s important to remember that the humidifier needs to be filled with distilled water for optimal performance. While bottled water may seem like a convenient alternative, it can actually harm your CPAP humidifier in the long run.

Here are some reasons why you should stick with distilled water:

  • Bottled water contains minerals that can build up over time and damage your CPAP humidifier.
  • Using tap water can introduce bacteria and other contaminants into your CPAP humidifier, potentially causing respiratory issues.
  • Distilled water is free of minerals and impurities, ensuring clean and healthy air for you to breathe in.

If you’re looking for a portable option, there are also travel-sized CPAP humidifiers available that come with their own refillable reservoirs. These normally require less maintenance than larger models but still need to be cleaned regularly to prevent bacterial growth.

Whether you’re using a cool mist humidifier or an air humidifier, make sure to follow the manufacturer’s instructions and use only distilled water in your CPAP humidifier for optimal results.

Using Bottled Water In A Humidifier

Using bottled water in a humidifier may seem convenient, but it can cause damage and introduce contaminants into the air. This is especially true for cool mist humidifiers that create tiny droplets of water that float in the air.

The minerals and impurities in regular tap or bottled water can be released into the air, irritating your respiratory system and worsening allergies or asthma. Additionally, the type of plastic bottle used can also be a concern. Some plastics contain chemicals that can leach into the water and be dispersed into the air by the humidifier.

To avoid these issues, it’s best to use distilled or purified water instead. This not only reduces mineral buildup inside your humidifier but also ensures that any contaminants are removed before being dispersed into your home’s atmosphere.


So, can you use bottled water in your humidifier? The answer is yes, but with some caution. Using distilled or purified bottled water is recommended to avoid mineral deposits and bacterial growth in the humidifier. It’s also important to clean the humidifier regularly and change the water daily to prevent any buildup of contaminants.

It’s worth noting that using tap water can also be a viable option depending on your location’s water quality. In fact, a study conducted by Consumer Reports found that tap water was just as effective as distilled water when used in humidifiers. However, it’s always best to consult your manufacturer’s instructions before making any decisions.

Ultimately, whatever type of water you choose to use in your humidifier, proper cleaning and maintenance is key for optimal performance and safe usage.

Audrey McGill

About The Author

Meet Audrey, the water-enthusiast behind Her love for all things H2O inspired her to create this laid-back space where folks can dive into the world of water. From the fizzy to the calm, Audrey's been on a journey through every ripple and wave, and she's eager to share her discoveries.

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