Are Nalgenes Dishwasher Safe? How To Clean It

Are you tired of hand washing your Nalgene water bottle after every use? Well, we have some good news for you! In this article, we will explore the question, ‘Are Nalgenes dishwasher safe?’ and provide you with all the necessary information on effectively cleaning your Nalgene bottle. Think of it as your ultimate guide to maintaining a sparkling, clean, odor-free hydration companion.

Picture this: You’re standing in front of a sink piled high with dirty dishes, and there it is – your trusty Nalgene bottle, waiting patiently to be cleaned. But wait! Before you reach for that sponge and dish soap, let’s dive into the world of dishwasher safety. Can your beloved Nalgene survive the heat and agitation of a dishwasher cycle?

We’ll answer that question while providing step-by-step instructions on properly cleaning your Nalgene bottle using alternative methods if needed. Say goodbye to tedious handwashing sessions – it’s time to unleash the power of your dishwasher!

Table of Contents

Are Nalgene Bottles Dishwasher Safe?

Yes! Nalgene bottles are dishwasher safe.

These durable plastic bottles can withstand high temperatures and the harsh environment of a dishwasher. Whether you have a wide or narrow-mouth bottle, you can toss it in the dishwasher without worrying about it getting damaged.

Remove the lid and any other detachable components to clean your Nalgene bottle in the dishwasher. Place them on the top rack of your dishwasher to ensure they are kept from getting lost or damaged during the cleaning process.

Make sure to place your Nalgene bottle upside down on the bottom rack so that water can easily reach all parts of it.

When using the dishwasher, avoid using hot drying cycles as they may cause warping or damage to your Nalgene bottle. Instead, opt for air-drying by leaving your bottle open and upside down once the dishwasher cycle is complete. This will allow any remaining moisture to evaporate naturally.

So enjoy the convenience of cleaning your Nalgene bottles in the dishwasher. Remember to remove any detachable components and air-dry them afterward for optimal cleanliness and preservation of your favorite water companion!

How To Clean Nalgene Bottle By Hand

To clean your Nalgene bottle effectively:

  1. Start by disassembling it completely. This means removing the cap, lid, and any other attachments.
  2. Rinse all parts with warm water to remove loose dirt or debris.
  3. Use mild soap and a bottle brush to thoroughly scrub the inside of the bottle and its components.
  4. Rinse again with warm water to ensure no soap residue remains.

Here is a video with another method using baking soda:

Best Way To Clean A Nalgene Bottle

Start by filling your Nalgene bottle with warm soapy water and giving it a good shake to ensure every nook and cranny is clean. The warm water helps to loosen any dirt or residue stuck to the sides of the bottle, while the soap acts as a cleaning agent to remove bacteria and odors. After shaking, let the soapy water sit in the bottle for a few minutes to penetrate and break down any stubborn stains or buildup.

To ensure a thorough clean, use a long-handled brush or sponge to scrub the inside of the Nalgene bottle. Pay special attention to areas such as the mouthpiece, threads, and bottom where dirt can quickly accumulate. A gentle scrubbing motion will effectively remove any remaining residue.

After thoroughly washing your Nalgene bottle, rinse it well with clean water until all traces of soap are gone. Scrutinize the bottle for any lingering dirt or stains before drying it thoroughly. To dry your Nalgene bottle, either air dry it upside down or use a clean towel to wipe away excess moisture.

Proper maintenance is critical in keeping your Nalgene water bottles clean and safe. Regularly wash your Nalgene bottle after each use, mainly if you have used it for liquids other than water. By following these steps and incorporating regular cleaning into your routine, you can enjoy using your Nalgene bottle for years.

Cleaning ToolsPurpose
Long-handled brush or spongeScrubbing hard-to-reach areas
Clean towelDrying off excess moisture
Warm soapy waterLoosening dirt and removing bacteria

So next time you want to wash/clean your Nalgene bottle, remember this easy step-by-step process and some helpful tools!

Why Does My Nalgene Smell Bad?

There are several reasons why your Nalgene bottle may smell bad:

  1. Food or liquid remnants: They can develop a nasty smell if you leave them in your bottle for an extended period.
  2. Bacteria: A sudden change in the smell of your water could be due to bacteria in your bottle.
  3. Mold: If your bottle has not been properly cleaned and dried, mold can grow, leading to a bad smell.

How To Get Rid Of Smell In A Nalgene Bottle

Eliminate that unpleasant odor in your Nalgene bottle and enjoy fresh hydration on all your adventures!

If applicable, to clean your Nalgene bottle, start by disassembling any additional components, such as the lid or water filter. Rinse the bottle with warm water to remove any remaining liquids or debris.

Next, prepare a cleaning solution by mixing one ounce of dish soap with warm water in the sink or a large container. Use a mild dish soap that’s safe for drinking vessels.

Submerge the Nalgene bottle in soapy water and use a bottle brush to thoroughly scrub the interior walls, bottom, and mouth of the bottle.

Once you’ve scrubbed away any residue or odors, rinse the Nalgene bottle with clean water until all traces of soap are gone. You can then leave it to air dry upside down on a drying rack or towel.

Remember to clean other components, such as lids and water filters, separately using the same method.

Regularly cleaning your Nalgene wide-mouth bottle ensures it remains odor-free and ready for your next adventure!


In conclusion, Nalgene bottles are indeed dishwasher safe. You can confidently place them on the top rack of your dishwasher without worrying about any damage or warping. However, it’s important to note that exposure to high temperatures for extended periods may cause some discoloration or fading of the bottle’s design.

To ensure thorough cleaning of your Nalgene bottle, follow these steps:

  • First, disassemble all parts – including the cap and sealing ring – and place them in a separate container.
  • Rinse the bottle with warm water to remove any remaining liquid or residue.
  • Then, thoroughly scrub the inside and outside of the bottle using a mild dish soap and a soft-bristle brush. Pay close attention to crevices and hard-to-reach areas.

Try soaking your Nalgene bottle in baking soda and water overnight for stubborn odors that may develop over time. This’ll help eliminate any lingering smells. After soaking, thoroughly rinse the bottle with warm water before reassembling all parts.

It’s worth noting that while Nalgene bottles are dishwasher safe, handwashing is still recommended for optimal longevity and performance. Following these cleaning instructions regularly allows you to enjoy your Nalgene bottle for years without worrying about unpleasant odors or bacteria buildup.

Investigating this theory further reveals that although many users claim their Nalgene bottles have experienced no issues in the dishwasher over time, there have been isolated reports of cracking or melting occurring when exposed to high-heat settings or aggressive detergents. Therefore, it’s crucial to exercise caution and always refer to the manufacturer’s guidelines regarding dishwasher safety.

Overall, by understanding how to properly clean your Nalgene bottle and being mindful of potential dishwasher risks, you can maintain its quality while enjoying its practicality for an extended period.

Audrey McGill

About The Author

Meet Audrey, the water-enthusiast behind Her love for all things H2O inspired her to create this laid-back space where folks can dive into the world of water. From the fizzy to the calm, Audrey's been on a journey through every ripple and wave, and she's eager to share her discoveries.